It's not the first time that I've known this, but I have been reminded today again that I am blessed.
I have been at home sick since Tuesday, suffering from a pretty severe sinus infection, which I fear may have worked into my lungs. I'm on antibiotics, and this has been the fourth time I've suffered from such an infection this year. The last few days have been somewhat torturous - muscle soreness stemming from fever, which translated into insomnia, from which ensued constant headaches, dehydration, an inability to keep food down, and constant gut-wrenching coughing. In short, I have felt like absolute rat shit. But do you know what? I am still blessed.
I am blessed because I have a roof over my head, and I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. I have a job that I enjoy and which I am good at, which provides me with the means to seek medical help and to pay for medicines and herbal remedies to lessen my symptoms and help me feel and get better. I have colleagues who have been kind enough to help look after my customers and outstanding tasks in my absence. I have a boss who cared enough to contact me to check to see if I am ok. I have friends scattered across the country wishing me well.
The gorgeous view from the apartment - even the birds love it! :) |
I am blessed because I know that I have the power within myself to make a change.
I've been to the doctors quite a few times this year, because I knew that it wasn't normal to keep getting the same infections so frequently. I take care of my body - I eat well, I exercise, I read to keep my mind active. So why do I keep getting sick?
After a few tests, including a chest scan (which, scarily enough, was performed to rule out lung cancer), a blood test finally showed that I have ALLERGIES. Specifically, I am highly allergic to house dust, mould and pet dander.
I'm not happy to find out that I have allergies, particularly in regards to pets, but I am happy to finally know what is wrong. Now that I know what is wrong, I know what I can do to change this. The sad thing is that I love pets - cats, dogs, rabbits. My housemate has a pet bunny rabbit named Lolly, who is absolutely ADORABLE. But I have to face reality - as cute and adorable as he may be, Lolly is making me sick.
Lolly Tango |
Isn't he adorable?? Devastating to find out he makes me sick :( |
So what am I going to do about this? Well - I'm going to have to bite the bullet and move out into my own place. I'll be sad to leave my housemates, and I'll be sad to leave the amazing view that this apartment offers, but at the end of the day my number one priority is my health.
I'm not planning to move straight away - I don't have the funds saved up yet, and besides, I'll be in the Philippines for two weeks in July relaxing and enjoying time with my mum, and I'd rather not stress myself out too much prior to my holiday as I fear I would be sick once I get overseas! But I'm starting to think that perhaps this was meant to be - just the other day Nikki, a good friend of mine in Perth, broke the news that she is finally moving to Sydney, and that she will be here around the time I'll be looking for a new place! New housemate, possibly? Who knows - watch this space! :)
One last thing - I am blessed to have the friends that I do, despite the fact that they are far from me. Thank you to my dear friend Juana, my housemate back in Perth from 2009 - 2010. Such a beautiful, kind, and strong soul. Juana called me today, and whenever I hear from her I feel strengthened. Juana is the older sister I never had, who understands me and provides me with much wisdom and love.
This post is dedicated to Juana - you reminded me today that I am blessed.
Love you loads, gorgeous woman! :) xoxo