I mentioned a few posts ago that I had planned a trip to the Philippines for my mum and I to celebrate her 60th birthday. Well, that time has come and gone already! I had a great time seeing family, enjoying the tropical weather, and eating like a queen - although the eating like a queen part was halted after I succumbed to an awful week-long stomach bug halfway through my trip (which subsequently saw me in the Emergency department of a Kuala Lumpur hospital before I headed back to Sydney) - oops! Luckily it was nothing too serious, but after beginning the trip with too much rice and fatty foods, and ending the trip barely able to stomach anything at all, I ended up craving my favourite healthy salad (cherry tomato, avocado and cottage cheese salad with sea salt and cracked pepper) like you wouldn't believe!
Mum and I outside the Taoist Temple in Cebu |
It had been almost nine years I had last been and seen the Filipino side of the family, so it was nice to see them again - although I think both they and I were a bit intimated. It's funny - although we're all connected on Facebook, we don't really keep in touch per se, and we don't know too much about each other. I can only speak English (which I regret), and although my family can speak English, they mainly communicate in Cebuano, and I can understand how awkward it can be to try to speak to someone in your second language you don't really know (and can't understand due to their funny accent and propensity to speak too fast -the hallmarks of being an Aussie in sales!) On top of that, at 5'8" I'm quite tall by Australian standards, but exceptionally tall by Filipino standards, and I believe this may have contributed to some of the intimidation factors haha! Regardless of the awkwardness, it was nice to see them - everyone has grown up so much since I was there last, and it's made me realise that I really want to make more of an effort to go back and see them and get to know them more.
Cousins reunited |
Cute little cousins! |
I spent most of my time in Cebu with my mum, my youngest sister and her boyfriend - I hadn't seen my sister since the last time I was in Perth, which was December last year, so seeing her was nice too! She absolutely cracks me up - that girl has an incredible sense of style, but the fact that she would straighten her hair, wear a face full of makeup and not bring a bathing suit on the day that we went down to Oslob to see the Whale Sharks in a traditional boat still makes me laugh!
Jacob, Melissa, Franz and I at the top of "Tops' in Cebu |
Aunty Silvia, Mum, Jacob and Mel at Mums 60th shindig :)
Speaking of the Whale Sharks - they were incredible! It's true when they say that they are the gentle giants of the ocean. They came right up to the little boats we were in, and it was amazing to see them so close! I have to admit, I do kind of regret not jumping in to swim with them.... but the smell of the raw fish that the fishermen were throwing to them to attract them certainly made my stomach turn. Besides.... I wanted to take pictures anyway. Next time I'll swim with them! :)
Welcome to Whale Shark watching in Oslob :)
Whale Shark facts |
I kinda get the 'Jaws' theme running through my head, lol! |
Whale shark alert!
Look at that mouth! |
I'm going to have to leave it at that for tonight. Once again, I planned to get an early night but now it's past 12! Oops!
Good night and sweet dreams :)
xoxo Mich
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