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Farewell, weekend

| Sunday 12 May 2013
Sunday again. I'm sad. So many things I could have done this weekend, but I've spent my weekend sick in bed. No!! I think it's the cumulative result of having been stressed out, not sleeping enough, and having had a big night out on Friday. Oh, and the weather turning cold too.

So, my weekend has quite literally consisted of sleeping in, re-watching True Blood Season 5 (for about the 3rd/4th time - I'm ADDICTED), reading 'The Help' by Kathryn Stockett, drinking tea and once again sleeping! So much for writing a proper blog post. Oh well. At least I did achieve sleeping in - I've slept most of today and yesterday away. Hopefully that means the shopping bags under my eyes will have disappeared completely by tomorrow morning.

On a final note - today was Mothers Day, and I missed my mum. I spoke with her briefly on the phone, but it's not the same as seeing her. At least the good news is I'll be seeing her in the Philippines in just over two months time, celebrating her 60th birthday!

Me, Mum and my youngest sister back in 2009

Love to all the Mothers out there, especially my own.

xox  Mich


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